Sunday 8 January 2017

My New Years Resolutions 2017

I know I'm a little bit late with my New Years Resolutions post but as I am quite an indecisive person I have found it very hard to actually pick my goals, which seems a little ridiculous.  I started writing notes for this post at the beginning of December and all of my ideas started to get a little out of hand. I don't want to over face myself and set so many goals that they feel unattainable.

I have settled on 7 goals that I hope to have achieved by the end of 2017 (I couldn't manage 17 so 7 will have to do) . I have tried to keep these as unquantifiable as possible in the hope that I will find them easier and less daunting.

1. Pass my driving test. In August 2016 I failed my first practical driving test, I put a lot of pressure on myself to pass first time as most of my family had done so and learning to drive is very expensive, but unfortunately the day for me was an absolute disaster and I started to feel very low and even a little anxious about ever driving again. Since then I started doing lessons with a new driving instructor in the attempt to achieve a 'fresh start'. This instructor has been amazing at rebuilding my confidence in my abilities and I am planning to book my next test in either February or March.

2. Drink more water. As I have mentioned in a couple of posts I have suffered with acne for many years and drinking water is something that I know I should be doing, not just for my skin but for my health in general. I recently downloaded a habit tracker app in the hope that it will encourage me to drink at least two cups of water each day, one in the morning and one at night. I know that may not seem like a lot to most people but hopefully it will be a good first step. Along the same lines I also want to continue to not drink any fizzy drinks on weekdays, although this rule has taken a break over Christmas I hope to get back on track.

3. Spend less time looking at my phone. Towards the end of last year I set a rule that I wouldn't use my phone before or during breakfast and I feel that this has really been beneficial. This year I would also like to make the effort to not use my phone whilst out with friends and family as I want to try to give my full attention to the people I am actually with at the time, especially when out for meals with people I haven't seen for a long time. I also want to make a point to not check social media when I'm out, of course having access to texts and messages is important but there is no need for me to check my news feed when I'm out.

4. Reach out to more people. I found myself feeling quite isolated and alone very frequently last year and that is something I hope to not repeat next year. Although I'm not completely to blame for this I hope to surround myself more with people. I have a lot of family that I barely see throughout the year, including my dad and I would like to make more of an effort to see them. I lost my grandad in 2016 and one of my biggest regrets is that I didn't see him anywhere near enough over the last couple of years. Also I hope that I can keep in touch with some of my close friends next year. 2016 was the year we all moved around to different parts of the country for university and this has made it very difficult to keep in touch. I don't have many close friends any more but the ones I do I want to try to make more of an effort with, I have arranged to meet up with two friends next week and I am very excited to do so. As well as old friends I hope to make the effort to reach out to new people as well and to push myself out of my comfort zone more. There are people like me out there I just have to find them and I hope to do that it 2017.

5. Figure out my career path. At this moment in time I do not feel like I am on the right path whatsoever, and this has caused me to feel quite down and unmotivated over the last couple of months. I'm really struggling to take matters into my own hands and try to change the aspects that I am unhappy with but I am hoping that I will have achieved this by the end of 2017. Whether that be a different degree, a new job, anything. I just hope that I am in a better place than I am at the time of writing this.

6. Read more books. In my first reading challenge post I mentioned that I don't read anywhere near as much as I used to and I would really like to change that. I have always enjoyed reading but recently I've found it difficult to dedicate time to doing so. I have loads of books that have been sitting on my bookshelf for almost 3 years unread and I would like to get through a good fraction of these in 2017. This goes in hand with my last resolution but I would like to continue to read books about mental health as I think it is beneficial to understand how the mind works to enable myself to change the way I think. I would also like to challenge myself to read some classic books this year but I'm not expecting any miracles, if I manage to read at least 5 books I will be proud of myself.

7. Focus on my mental health. This is quite a general resolution but I feel like it may be the most important of all. For the most part of 2016 I would say that I was unhappy, this is mostly down to the way I feel about myself and where my life is heading and I just generally feel very overwhelmed by life in general at the moment. For me 2017 will be dedicated to myself, I have spent many years doing things because I think other people will approve of them and honestly I'm just very tired of feeling like I have to prove myself to people. As cringey as it sounds I want 2017 to be my year, I want to feel powerful, I want to spend less time sitting around feeling bad about the things that I'm not doing and just live my life. At the end of 2017 I want to be able to look at myself and be impressed by the person I am.

Although I am very scared to embark on this journey and subconsciously I keep trying to hold myself back I am optimistic and excited for my future. I really honestly believe that 2017 will be a great year for me.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this post and I hope 2017 will be kind to us all and I can't want to see what it has in store. As always a follow would be greatly appreciated if you would like to stick around.

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