Sunday 22 January 2017

Get To Know Me | Tag

This weeks post is something that I have been meaning to do for a very long time but just haven't gotten around to it. It came to my attention that I have never really shared anything about myself with you. In this post I will be answering 25 questions, I hope that this lets you know a little bit about me.

1. What is your middle name?: Ann, nothing special really.

2. What was favorite subject at school?: My favorite optional subject at school was Business Studies, I also got my highest GCSE grade in this subject. My favourite compulsory subject at school was probably Maths. My worst subject in High School were all of the sciences as I had to do triple science. My least favourite out of the three was definitely Biology as I had no interest in it whatsoever.

3. What is your favorite drink?: My favourite drink is a good old cup of tea, I can literally drink 5 cups of tea a day.

4. What is your favorite song at the moment?: I'm not really listening to much music at the moment but I don't actually think I have a favourite song.

5. What is your favorite food?: My favourite food is anything full of carbs, mostly cheesy pasta dishes though.

6. What is the last thing you bought?: I can't really remember the last thing that I bought that wasn't food. I think it was a micro SD card for my phone but that's not very excited.

7. Favorite book of all time?: I don't think I've read any books recently that I would consider to be my favourite book of all time. I'm currently really enjoying reading about mindfulness and self-care though.

8. Favorite Color?: My favourite colour is a burgundy purple kind of colour.

9. Do you have any pets?: I have a dog named Harvey. He's a Shih Tzu crossed with a Yorkshire Terrier.
Isn't he a cutie?

10. Favorite Perfume?: I have never really been much of a perfume fan but I am aiming to build up a little collection, I currently have four perfumes and my favourite out of those is the YSL Black Opium perfume, it is the most me scent I think I will ever find.

11. Favorite Holiday?: My favourite Holiday is definitely Christmas, I like how it's the one day that all of my family spend together. Also I like the week after Christmas that is spent visiting other family and friends. I just really love getting to see people I haven't seen for a while.

12. Are you married?: Nope, but I definitely hope to be one day!

13. Have you ever been out of the country, if so how many times?: I have been out of the country a few times, when I was younger we went abroad for a summer holiday pretty much every year. Usually to places like Spain and Portugal.

14. Do you speak any other language?: I have been trying to learn German as I really enjoyed it in school but I struggle to self motivate. I think according to Duolingo I am 30% fluent in German.

15. How many siblings do you have?: I don't have any full siblings but I have two half sisters, two step sisters and one step brother. The perks of having separated parents.

16. What is your favorite shop?: My favourite clothes shop is probably H&M. But I like any shop that sells cushions and bedroom tat.

17. Favorite restaurant?: My favourite restaurant is the Casa Italia in Liverpool, if you ever get the opportunity to go there I urge you too! Other than that I like most Italian restaurants.

18. When was the last time you cried?: Most likely some point in the last week, I'm feeling a bit stressed at the moment.

19. Favorite Blog?: I really enjoy all of the blogs that I follow and I couldn't possibly pick one!

20. Favorite Movie?: I enjoy pretty much any chick flicky kind of film that doesn't require my full attention.

21. Favorite TV shows?: I used to watch a lot more TV shows than I do now but I still watch a few: Gilmore Girls (currently the show I put on whenever I want to relax), Not Going Out, Red Oaks, Suits, Orphan Black, Supernatural, Doctor Who, Sherlock.

22. PC or Mac?: PC

23. What phone do you have?: I have a Moto X

24. How tall are you?: I'm around 5’6″

25. Can you cook?: I can cook, not very well but I'm trying to force myself to cook more rather than ordering a Domino's. Practice makes perfect after all!

I apologise that a lot of my answers were quite vague, I really struggle to pick favourite things haha. As always, I hope you enjoyed this post and you have been able to get to know me a little bit better! As always a follow would be greatly appreciated if you would like to stick around!

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