Sunday 9 April 2017

My Blogging Goals For 2017

I would like to begin this post by apologising for my inactivity over the last week and a half. If you're following me on Twitter you may have seen that my laptop decided to break. Timing wasn't ideal as I have been in and out of the library trying to finish assignments but thanks to my uncle my laptop is back and fully functional... hooray!

I had a lot of time to think about my blog and where I want to go with it. This has inspired me to write this weeks blog post. I know most people write these kind of posts at the beginning of the year but better late than never!

1. More lifestyle posts.
Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy writing about skincare and makeup bits that I've been enjoying but I feel that I've lost touch with what I originally set out for this blog to be. I wanted to write this blog like a journal and I think I have been to nervous to do that up to now. I hope to write more personal posts with the aim of this blog becoming more based around lifestyle. I would like to start writing 'life update' style posts at least once a month and writing more 'review' style posts of places I visit and things that I do.

2. Blog re-design.
I have a bit of a complex with my current blog theme. I can't make much progress on this goal until my assignments are all handed in but by the end of the summer (at least) I hope to have completely re-designed my blog. I'm planning to do some research into which platform is best suited to me, I started this blog with absolutely no knowledge of platforms and I think it will be beneficial to have a look at some of my options. Following this I hope to find a new theme that I am happy with and then finally get to a point where I'm content with how my blog looks.

These next two goals aren't directly related to the blog itself but more related to me.

3. Be more active on Twitter.
Although I do try to tweet at least once a day I still feel that I am slacking a little bit. I hope to encourage myself to participate in at least one of the 'Twitter chats' per week, I always seem to miss the beginning of them! I'm going to make it my mission to know when one is about to begin and be prepared to participate. I also want to be more interactive with other bloggers rather than just reading through.

4. Be more consistent on Instagram.
I just can't seem to get the knack of Instagram! I just never feel like I have anything worth posting. I'm hoping to force myself to post at least once a week by the end of the summer, even if it is just a nice quote that I've found on Pinterest. I also want to start being more interactive on Instagram. I want to put in more time to comment on other bloggers posts as I feel that just leaving a like is a little lacklustre.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this post and I would just like to apologise again for not posting last week, I really missed writing!


  1. These are all lovely goals- some of which I could definitely apply to myself. My blog is also in some need of tender,love and care!


  2. It's good to have something to work towards! Thank you so much for reading x
