Wednesday 8 February 2017

The Liebster Award

This week I have a little extra post for you all! Like most people I had to do a little bit of research into this award but after reading into it I think it's a really lovely idea! The award is given to bloggers from other bloggers to give recognition and also help people find you blogs to read. 

The rules for accepting the Liebster Award are as follows;
Thank the person who has nominated you for the award and post a link to their blog.
Display the award on your blog.
*NEW* Write a 150-300 word post about one of your favourite blogs that is not your own.
Post 10 random facts about yourself.
Nominate 5-11 blogs that you feel deserve this award and provide links to them in your post.
Answer 10 questions that your nominator has asked you.
Ask your nominees 10 questions.
Let your nominees know that you have nominated them for the Liebster Award.

I was nominated by the lovely Louise from Firstly I would like to say thank you for nominating me, it genuinely made my day. 


My current favourite blogger is Milenka from I've been following her for quite a while and I absolutely adore her writing style. She also takes the most pretty blog photos and to top it all off she seems like a genuinely lovely person. If you're not already following her I would definitely check her out!  

  1. I have never broken a bone. 
  2. I currently have a small obsession with the game 'Rocket League'. It's a football game that you play as a car and for some reason I really love it. 
  3. I am currently studying Law at university.
  4. I am allergic to cats.
  5. My favourite genre of music is pop punk, although I don't listen to music as often as I would like. 
  6. I don't have have any full siblings. I do however have two half sisters, two step sisters and one step brother. 
  7. I managed to pass my PE GCSE without taking part in any sport. 
  8. I'm currently preparing for my second driving test attempt, fingers crossed! 
  9. I recently found out that I am long-sited. I'm supposed to wear my glasses when I use my laptop but I can never remember to. 
  10. Pasta is my favourite food. Any kind of pasta. 


If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
I personally enjoy living in the UK and would be quite happy to live here for the rest of my life. My dream however would be to live in Canada, I cant stand hot weather so Canada would be the perfect place for me. It's also a very beautiful country so even if I don't end up living there I definitely want to travel there at some point. 
What's your favourite animal?
My favourite animals are pandas, they've been my favourite animal for as long as I can remember and I have way to many stuffed toy pandas. 

What do you do for a living?
I'm currently studying full time at university and searching for a part-time job. I've not had much luck up to now but I'm trying to remain hopeful!

How long have you been blogging?

I have been blogging since August 2016. This blog will be six months old on the 28th of this month, I can't believe how fast that's flown. 
iPhone or Android?

I have been converted to android phones for about three years now, I don't think I could go back to an iPhone now!
Do you believe in ghosts?

I'm not sure I believe in the type of ghosts that are usually portrayed in films but I do think that there are places which are haunted by spirits with 'unfinished business'. 

What's your current favourite film?

I'm so glad the word current is included in this question because I can never pick one all time favourite film. My favourite film at the moment is Pitch Perfect (and Pitch Perfect 2). Recently I forced my boyfriend to watch them both with me so that we can go and watch the third one in the cinema when it comes out, I'm quite excited!

Who is your blogging inspiration?
I don't really have one particular blogging inspiration. My inspiration comes from pretty much all of the bloggers that I follow. I get my motivation from seeing other people being motivated.

If you had to choose one, what superpower would you have?
The superpower I find myself wishing I had the most often is definitely the power to teleport. I spend a lot of my time on trains between home and uni and every time I just wish I could teleport. Maybe I'm just too lazy for my own good but I would choose teleportation over anything. 

Do you have any big plans for 2017?
I hope to finally figure out what it is I want to do with my life this year. Over the past 6 months I've had a lot of time to think about what I actually want to do and I hope 2017 can be the year I starting working towards my dream career. 

  1. What is your favourite genre of music? 
  2. What do you enjoy most about blogging?
  3. What is one thing you hope to achieve this year?
  4. Do you have any pets?
  5. Would you consider yourself to be a good cook?
  6. Have you ever dyed your hair?
  7. What was your favourite subject at school?
  8. Do you have any nicknames? 
  9. Do you want any tattoos?
  10. What are your blogging aims for this year?
Thanks again to Louise for my nomination and as always I hope you enjoyed reading this post, I'm looking forward to reading my nominee's posts! 


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