Sunday 19 February 2017

Netflix Shows I've Been Loving | Part 2

I made a post like this one back in November (x) but like most people I am a serial Netflix binger so my watch list has changed a little since then. I am always looking for new shows to watch so I thought I would share with you guys some of the shows I am currently watching (although most of these I'm pretty sure I'm late on!)

1. If you read my last Netflix post you will have already heard all about this one. I am currently still watching Gilmore Girls. I am up to episode 5 or series 3. I am still absolutely loving the show and I think that all boils down to the relatable aspect of the show. Rory is a similar age to me and I can see bits of my own mum in Lorelai. Gilmore girls is my go to relaxation show although it does make me miss home a little bit.

2. The first "new" show that I have recently started watching it Gossip Girl. I know I'm about 5 years behind everyone else with this show but I started watching this on a bit of a whim really as I see quite a lot of people talking about it on Twitter. I instantly fell in love with it, I quite enjoy the catty aspect of the show, presumably because my own life is quite boring. The show also has I pretty good soundtrack too. At the time of writing this post I am up to episode 10 of season 1. 

3. The next show that I have been watching is Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (which is a Netflix original). Sadly, I have finished this series and am impatiently awaiting the next one. I really enjoyed the lightheartedness of this show. It's the kind of show that you can just put on when you're not really in the mood to pay attention to anything too complicated. Kimmy's positivity never fails to lift my mood and the episodes are short which is always a bonus!

4. The final show I have for you today is another show that aired about 5 years ago but nevertheless I'm enjoying it! My boyfriend and I have started watching Skins together, we are currently up to episode 6 of volume 3. We tend to just put this show on when we're doing work in the same room for a little bit of background noise which is why we have being getting through it so quickly.

As always, I hope you enjoyed this post! If you have any suggestions for some shows to watch please leave them in a comment!


  1. Skins is an absolute classic! I binge watched that a year or two ago. Have you seen stranger things? It's fab!xx

    Lucy x |

  2. It is! And yes I have, so excited for the second series! x
